Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Episcopal Church Secaucus

WelcomeWorship with us Sunday at 9:30 am
We are the Episcopal Church in Secaucus, New Jersey, in the heart of the Meadowlands. We're pleased to have you visit our web site. Please take a few minutes to get to know us better and find directions to our church. Link
Sunday worship. The Holy Eucharist is offered every Sunday at 9:30 am. Our service is conducted using modern-day English texts. This service always provides readings from the Old and New Testament, and sermons are usually based upon these readings. Congregational singing is an important part of our services. Link here to next Sunday's readings from the Bible, reflections on the sermons and information from our Sunday bulletin. Link
First Communion - 2006
Daily prayer. The Mission of Saint Clare makes the resources of our Book of Common Prayer available on the internet. We recommend it for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. You are invited to join in prayer at this site. When you leave the prayer site, click the back button of your browser to return here. Link
Episcopal Church in the news. Reports from the Church of Our Saviour, the Episcopal News Service, and Episcopal Life Magazine, plus Anglican Communion News Service, Anglican-Episcopal World Magazine, and The Secaucus Journal and The Secaucus Reporter Link
Messages from the Presiding Bishop. News, messages, audio and video clips from the Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori. Link
We're a little greener. For Earth Day 2007 the Church of Our Saviour changed all lighting from incandescent lights to energy saving compact fluorescent lights. Now, every time that someone flicks a switch at the church they'll be using one fourth the electricity previously required. We're doing our part to reduce global warming gases created by power generation. Find our more about the big switch. Link
...and the lights went up, all over the church.
Advocacy for justice and peace. By taking a little time to become better informed, to write a letter, to send an e-mail, or to tell a friend, you can put your social conscience to work, showing your love for your neighbors and your stewardship for the world God has given to us. On our Justice web page we connect with the well- organized social advocacy programs in other denominations and agencies. Look at the issues. You'll be enlightened. And its a fairly easy way of putting your time and talent to work. Link
Feed the hungry. Preserve the rainforest. Save the big cats. Our church website offers another way for you to participate in the stewardship of God's creation. Click on the links to the left and you can provide, at no cost to you, food to the hungry, land for rainforest preservation, assistance in preserving the big cats in the wild and new trees to plant. Make clicking a habit. It helps!
The bookstore that never closes. Stop in at our online book store any time of the day. You'll find selected recommendations for books of interest to all ages. The bookstore has become especially popular for its recommendations of "Religious Mysteries" -- mystery stories with clerical sleuths. Borrow selections from the Secaucus Public Library or purchase books to keep and treasure. Link to our bookstore now and Bookmark it to your list of Favorite Sites. Then you'll always find "Bookstore" whenever you're looking for books on the web.
There's always something new on the bookshelves of our virtual bookstore, so come back often. Every time you link through our pages for a purchase we'll receive a commission. And 100% of these commissions are used for public service outreach. Thanks for shopping. Link
Our affiliate shops provide opportunities to link to web merchants for your convenience and for us to earn money to pass on to the non-profits we support. Remember, every time you click to an e-store from our web pages, a portion of your purchase dollar comes back to us. And we give it all away! 100%! For all the affiliate shops, follow this Link
Called to Common Mission. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Episcopal Church (ECUSA) entered a new relationship of full communion effective on 1 January 2001. Link
Vicar reports on state of church. Just like the President of the United States, the vicar here at the Church of Our Saviour has an opportunity to address us once a year, concerning the state of our church. Link
Church of the year. The Church of Our Saviour was awarded the Bishop's Banner for Congregational Excellence at the 1999 Convention of the Diocese of Newark. Link
Recommend Our Saviour's website to a friend.

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